Upcoming Gardening Events in Butte County

Rose Show! Butte Rose Society

FREE show, open to the public, with TONS of rose flowers on display, plus a voting table to vote on the most fragrant rose, several floral arrangements, plus an awards table with the winners from this year's rose judging. As always, rose experts will be on hand to answer questions. 🌹

October 26th, 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Chico Card Center, 545 Vallombrosa Avenue, Chico.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Workshop

Tuesday, October 15, 10–11:30am
Pat’s Barn at Patrick Ranch, limit 30

This interactive class will focus on the basics of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The purpose of IPM is to solve your own pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. IPM can be used for all pests in your landscape and home.

Click HERE to register

It’s a Wrap! Autumn Garden Cleanup, Winter Prep, and Preservation

Saturday, October 19, 12:30–2pm
Bradley 2 Room at The Social apartments, 1400 W 3rd St., Chico, limit 55

It's the end of the growing season, and gardening is winding down…or is it? Fall gardening consists of far more than just raking, rolling up hoses, and pulling spent plants. It is the time for planning, preparing, and preserving. Come and enjoy a bountiful workshop/discussion that will delve into some essential seasonal steps to ensure that next year's garden (as well as this winter’s dinner table) is even more successful. Bonus: some of the steps won't even get your hands dirty!

Click HERE to register